Our Purpose: To Inspire Change
KIK built a self-sustaining village to relocate Ugandan people devastated by war.
KIK built a self-sustaining village to relocate Ugandan people devastated by war.
Kids Inspiring Kids is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization working in Uganda with a group of about 3000 refugees, mostly from the northern Acholi region, now living in a makeshift refugee camp in the capital city of Kampala. They have survived numerous atrocities in their lifetime, but are now facing the demolition of their current living quarters. Despite the atrocities they have faced in the past, they are once again facing life-changing and life-threatening circumstances.
Since 2006, our organization has provided guidance and enrichment to these people through various charitable programs. We have built a solution that will create generational impact for years to come. It also requires significant contributions from generous donors. Building Place of Refuge Village has provided them a safe and self-sustaining place to call home for generations to come.
The Kids Inspiring Kids organization impacted about 3000 Acholi refugees that are going to lose their current living quarters at the Banda Acholi ghetto, a makeshift refugee camp in Kampala, Uganda.
Read more about their history and the struggles they now face
The construction of the Place of Refuge Village is a self-sustaining township consisting of individual homes, marketplace, community, row crops, fruit trees, and livestock.
Our dream is a reality! KIK has purchased 100 acres and built necessary structures to sustain the crops and livestock. This project is being completed 100% debt-free.
Learn about our progress thus far, volunteer opportunities, how your donations are respectfully used to save and improve the lives of these special people!
Non-governmental organization established in 2006
501(c)(3) charitable organization
All donations are tax-deductible
100% of donations received are utilized for our Place of Refuge Village projects (unless the donor specifies otherwise)
Overseen by a board of directors and the International Fellowship of Ministries
Based in Florida with full-time mission work conducted in Uganda
You have a unique opportunity to impact lives in a way that may be unmatched by any other charitable organization through donations to our Place of Refuge Village project.
“I am responsible for myself, my children, my sister’s children, and my brother’s children. In spite of all these hardships, I have to believe in a better life. Someday, somewhere, somehow. Someone asked me what keeps me going. I responded, ‘The Word of God keeps me going.’”
At this time we are not accepting volunteers.
We appreciate your donation to the village project. All donations are tax-deductible.
We rely on you to spread the word and keep us in your prayers.
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