About Us
In 2002, Tomi Mills formed the Kids Inspiring Kids organization to help youth in Texas, USA. Then, in January 2005, she took a leap of faith by selling all but two suitcases of her possessions and flying to Uganda, East Africa. Upon arriving in Uganda, she began working for a non-governmental organization (NGO), which ultimately ended up stranding her in war-torn northern Uganda. Here, she witnessed firsthand the devastation on the Acholi people from civil war and the LRA rebel army of Joseph Kony. Gunfire could be heard within feet of her camp. She saw thousands of refugees starving to death in internally displaced persons (IDP) camps, most of whom were children. It was here in these moments of tribulation that Tomi saw her calling to work with the Ugandan people.
Upon returning to the capital city of Kampala, Tomi lived with a native family consisting of fourteen people living in a 3-bedroom masonry home without running water. She learned to appreciate the lives and culture of the Ugandans and decided at that point to start her own charitable NGO.
Nicole traveled to Uganda in 2006 to assist in the transformation of the Kids Inspiring Kids organization into a Ugandan refugee missionary organization. Upon discovering the Banda Acholi Quarters in Kampala, their mission was quickly realized. This makeshift refugee camp was the home to thousands of refugees, mostly Acholi, who had fled the bloodshed of northern Uganda to safety in the city. However, even though they found safety, these people still struggled to find food, shelter, and peace.
Over the years, the Kids Inspiring Kids organization has focused on about 3000 refugees in the ghetto through various enrichment programs to help the families and children with supplies of food and clothing, character training, job training, language skills, behavior skills, and school fees. Now the focus is on creating these people a new village to call their own. The Place of Refuge Village project is the realization of a long-standing dream to create a generational impact for the Acholi people.
Kids Inspiring Kids is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and an international non-governmental organization (NGO). All donations to Kids Inspiring Kids are tax-deductible. The organization is overseen by a board of directors and also has oversight from the International Fellowship of Ministries.
Our Programs
Kids Inspiring Kids has worked tirelessly on instilling these refugees with a strong work ethic, character values, and numerous life skills.
Honor: Public respect for yourself and others.
Excellence: The mightiest and best – even when no one is looking.
Kindness: What you do for others that helps them.
Truthfulness: Saying and doing the facts.
Obedience: To follow the commands of someone or something.
Sincerity: Honest heartfelt feelings.
Gratefulness: Feeling thankful.
Forgiveness: To give someone relief from payment of something.
Justice: To do what is right and lawful.
Generosity: Someone who gives liberally.
Mercy: Kindness shown even when you have a right to punish them.
Goodness: Pleasing to others in a way that benefits them.
Strength: Power either physical, mental or moral.
Courage: To stand up in hard times and danger without fear.
Orderliness: Tidiness in actions, thoughts, deeds.
Worth: Value and usefulness.
Chastity: Being pure life choices.
Temperance: Self-control over your body and mind.
Fortitude: Guts, Grit – what’s on the inside (even under temptation).
Attentiveness: Always being careful to watch what’s important and be kind.
A character training program for hundreds of children is implemented, with Kids Inspiring Kids providing not only a meaningful message but also basic medical supplies and a hot meal to the children.
A life-skills program led by KIK for the village women has transformed many lives over the years. They named themselves the Jeremiah Women because Jeremiah was a prophet of hope. JER 29:11
Over the years, Kids Inspiring Kids has provided the fees for hundreds of children to attend school, which is not a free service in Uganda. In addition, Kids Inspiring Kids has provided ongoing mentoring of children to learn valuable life skills to help with their future survival and success.
We are now progressing with our long-planned project to build the refugees a new place of refuge that they can call their permanent home! We need your financial assistance, prayers, and physical help. Learn more
Our Team
Tomi Mills
Tomi originally founded the Kids Inspiring Kids 501(c)(3) organization in 2002 to help youth in Texas. In 2005, she decided to take a leap of faith by selling her possessions and moving to Uganda to serve in whatever missionary capacity was needed. In 2006, she identified her calling to help the Acholi people and made Kids Inspiring Kids a non-governmental organization.
In addition to having two biological twin daughters in the United States, she has adopted three Uganda daughters and raised another Uganda foster daughter. Today, she resides in Florida and serves as the director of Kids Inspiring Kids.
Nicole serves as a Board of Directors member for Kids Inspiring Kids. She resides in Florida.
Nicole was instrumental in the formation of the Kids Inspiring Kids. In addition to living in Uganda for a year, she has made several subsequent trips there to serve with the organization.
Her current role with the organization is to manage social media sites and public relations, assist with fundraising and presentations, and be a contact in the US for questions related to Kids Inspiring Kids.
Watch Our Informational Videos
Video Credit: Lauren Licarone